Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pinboard. Create a pinterest board for your health focus. Pin 3 things. What did you pin? Share the images in a post and explain why you chose them.

Here I am, Pin Me! Pin Me!
I don't have a Pinterest Account, I did and ended up closing it. I wanted to do something here at least similar to share with everyone. What 3 things would I put on a Pin Board for my health focus?

Fibromyalgia affects EVERYONE not just the person who has been diagnosed. No matter where we go, there is our illness tagging along with us. Although women are far more diagnosed with Fibromyalgia than men it does not discriminate. Young to elderly, men and women it can hit each of us. Mothers and daughters, sisters and entire families are and have been diagnosed. Even if one member is diagnosed the whole family is affected in some way. 
This key-chain, to me, represents that we take with us wherever we go, our diagnosis AND the knowledge we can share to help educate others on what Fibro is and is not, what it does to us personally and how others can help by sharing the message of hope along.Together we can help educate our families, our communities and we can over come the stigma society places on our "Invisible Illnesses" and become stronger for it. 
I have had the excruciating experience more than once to have my hair literally hurt. It reminded me of the days when I drank and had the worst hangover where everything hurt on me including my hair...No joke...Only now, I do not drink. I have had no alcohol for over a decade and this feeling, this is something I would not wish on anyone. Imagine having your skin so sensitive, so heightened in the awareness of pain and sensations that on your worst days it literally hurts to have your clothes touching your body. I have experienced migraines more than once so freaking intense that it feels like my head is impacted with shattered glass. To cry would cause the pain levels to increase so it is retreat to the darkest and coolest place possible with ice packs and pain meds intul it goes away.  
Aluminum Rehab Ortho K Grip Cane
My buddy the cane, walking stick, tag along. Call it what you will. I really detest when I have to pull it from behind the door and utilize it however I now shove pride to the side and use this thing that helps me when I am off balance a bit, having a weak day, morning or evening. It can be frustrating to say the least as I can feel fine in the morning then need to use the cane for support in the late afternoon. I try to rid myself of the notion swirling in my head that only old folks use canes that keeps popping up now and again. I am not old and I need this blasted thing now and then....I give thanks to the Lord for my really good days and for my bad days knowing they could be so much worse. 

This post was written as part of HAWMC – 30 health posts in 30 days:

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