Thursday, May 17, 2012


Open a Book. Choose a book and open it to a random page and point to a phrase. Use that phrase to get you writing today. Free write for 15-20 without stopping.

"And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance."  
 Kahlil Gibran ~ The Prophet

The phrase is from Kahlik Gibran's The Prophet, a favourite book of my momma's and mine and the one which we all received by her forever friend at momma's memorial. Lorelei read a few passages from this particular book that day and this was part of one of those brief yet amazing chapters. 
When I read the phrase it brings me to tears from the memories of momma, all we did together, all of who she was and still is within my heart and memories. 
It also says to me that when our bodies are no more for this earth, when they have become tired and our work is done the earth claims us. Ashes to ashes dust to dust they say and we are then truly free, we are boundless, limitless for our spirit is no longer housed within this earthly body. This body that has become worn out like an old leather shoe, only no longer comfortable to wear on bad weather days or even many mornings. We feel the pull and tug of war of our muscles and joints, the creaking not even WD-40 could silence within our bones. As the last dawn nears we smile for we know when we awaken nest we shall be in the grandest ballroom ever and then we can dance un restrained. Our spirits can dance free in the sky with no limits to constrain us, nothing to hold us back....We will be at peace.

This post was written as part of HAWMC – 30 health posts in 30 days:

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