Tuesday, April 3, 2012

To be one with the dolphins

Superpower Day. If you had a superpower – what would it be? How would you use it?

For me, it has to be the ability to swim underwater for hours and hours on end  like the dolphins and majestic whales and the seals. The ocean has always been healing to me and a place of grounding. It is a place I have always felt like "home" to me. Any time I go to the beach and walk into the ocean allowing the waves to take me wherever they take me I feel so at peace and one with all the life that resides within the womb of mother earth. It transports me to a place where I am free of pain and stress. It is a place I desire to never leave and sadly I must and therefore I return as often as I can. I could swim for hours or even just float. The ocean is for me a place of tranquillity and rebirth, refreshing me with each visit yet each visit is never long enough to last me until the next.

If I was blessed with the ability to breathe underwater for unlimited periods of time I may be tempted to remain under the sea and not return to land.

My grandchildren would be the reason I do not give into that temptation if I were gifted with unlimited time...

How did you decide which superpower to choose? In what ways can your superpower enhance your Health Activism work?

It was natural for me to choose the ocean as it is where I feel most at home and any time I feel stressed or in pain I know I can go to the nearest beach and jump (or slowly crawl) in the water and be refreshed and revived within seconds! The ocean has so many healing qualities about it and it has drawn me since pre-birth....
I know for those who are unaware of the ocean's healing properties as I share with them how I feel before and after my swims that some are completely amazed. I am also one who will swim in November whether or not the weather is cool. 
I do live in Florida but that does not mean the weather in winter months are conducive for bathing suits lol. I swim anyway because it brings healing to my body and relieves pain...I will wear shorts and a tee shirt in the cooler weather though. 


This post was written as part of HAWMC – 30 health posts in 30 days:  

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