Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Blessing of Fibromyalgia

Who said it best? Today, focus on something you’ve heard, read, or even said as the basis for your post.  Choose a quote that inspires you – positively or negatively – and gets you thinking.  It can be a quote that you’ve saved for years or something you’ve just heard, from a book or a movie, a fellow Health Activist, a blog or a tweet, a billboard, or something from your own journal.

I attempted to locate a quote from the worldwide Internet that would speak to what jump out at me when the Perfect one hit me this morning. One of my own quotes about my diagnosis. (a day late for yesterday's prompt-yet here it is) 

"My Fibromyalgia diagnosis is a blessing in disguise" (EMRB)

In the beginning when I first received my diagnosis I certainly did not feel this way yet it was not too long down my journey that I began to see with new eyes how much of a blessing my diagnosis really was. When I shared this particular quote with those who did not know me, or know me well the heads would tilt to one side and faces would wrinkle up in the strangest of frowns. It was rather comical to view from my side. 
I would then share with them the multiple reasons Why I view my diagnosis as a blessing in disguise.  

I could have been diagnosed with Lupus, RA or MS and gratefully I was not. I have a sister who has Relapsing Remitting MS, something I am researching to learn all I can about. 

There are also other immune disorders out there I could have been diagnosed with and have not. I am so very grateful for the diagnosis I have. 

What The diagnosis of Fibromyalgia has blessed me with is the Opportunity to turn my lifestyle around, my eating habits. I have been working hard on this and learning so much as I scrutinize label ingredients at the grocery store when food shopping. I do take a little bit longer to shop now but I am worth the extra time it takes to know I am purchasing the right foods for my body. My body rejects so many different preservatives I now must eat fresh and fresh frozen most often and that is just fine with me. I LOVE fresh fruits and veggies when I can get them. I also purchase fresh frozen items after checking the ingredients label to ensure no extras were snuck in there lol. Preservatives wreak havock on my body, emotions and spirit. 

I have noticed a commonality with many other Fibromites and my quote. We have had to alter our ways of eating, the foods we eat due to the changes in our bodies in order to ward off Fibro Flares and to help our bodies feel better and to heal. 

I have friends who have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and I noticed with them also the significance of our eating habits and the way our bodies feel. Intense flare ups happen with certain foods adding to the distress our bodies are already in, or may be in. Altering our eating patterns and what we eat by listening to and feeding our bodies what it needs/requires  is one of the positives I see with this diagnosis. 
Peace and Blessings to all

This post was written as part of HAWMC – 30 health posts in 30 days:

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